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Hiker Placing Trail Chasers in Forest.jpg

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What Color Survey Flags Fade the Least?

David Williams

When it comes to survey flags and ground markers, longevity and visibility are key. These tools are vital for marking boundaries, indicating hazards, or identifying specific locations on a site. However, one of the challenges faced by surveyors, construction workers, and landscapers is the sun fading of these markers over time, especially when exposed to the elements. The question then arises: what color survey flags fade the least?

Understanding UV Impact on Survey Flags - Color Fast Test

Survey flags and ground markers are constantly exposed to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can degrade the color pigments over time. This degradation leads to fading, making the markers less visible and, in some cases, completely ineffective. UV radiation is a major contributor to this process, and different colors react differently to UV exposure. Survey Marker Color Fast Test

To combat this, brands like Trail Chasers incorporate UV stabilizers into their products by using brands such as the Stake Chasers marking whiskers. These stabilizers are designed to absorb or screen out the harmful UV radiation, thus slowing the fading process. However, even with these protective measures, some colors are more resistant to fading than others.

The Science Behind Color Fading

The rate at which a color fades is influenced by several factors, including the type of pigment used, the intensity of UV exposure, and the geographic location where the markers are used. In general, darker colors tend to absorb more UV rays, leading to faster degradation, while lighter colors reflect more light and may fade more slowly. However, this is not a hard-and-fast rule, as some lighter colors can also be prone to rapid fading under certain conditions.

Test Results: How Long Do Different Colors Last?

To provide some insight into which APWA colors last the longest, let's look at our Survey Marker Color Fast Test results conducted on various colors of Stake Chaser brand marking whiskers. These tests were performed in a specific area of the United States characterized by high UV exposure—situated around 1,700 feet above sea level, with an average of 243 days of sunshine per year, and temperatures ranging from 74°F to 95°F. While these results are not a guarantee, they offer a general idea of what to expect.

Pink Survey Whiskers:

Fade Onset: Some fade observed within 2 months.

Total Fade: Only a trace of color left by 9 weeks.

Pink is a vibrant color that is often used for its high visibility. However, it tends to fade relatively quickly when exposed to UV light, with significant fading occurring within just a couple of months. 

Glow Orange Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Begins to fade within 2 weeks.

Total Fade: Completely faded within 1 month.

Glow orange is another highly visible color, but it is particularly susceptible to rapid fading. Within a month, the color can be entirely gone, making it less ideal for long-term projects. 

Red Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Some fading observed within 2 months.

Total Fade: Only a trace of color left by 9 weeks.

Red is a bold color, but like pink, it fades relatively quickly. After 9 weeks, very little of the original color remains, reducing its effectiveness as a long-term marker. 

Yellow Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Fading can begin as early as 3 weeks.

Total Fade: Can retain sufficient color for up to 7 weeks.

Yellow is somewhat more durable than the previous colors, with some markers maintaining visibility for up to 7 weeks. However, it is still prone to fading relatively quickly. 

Orange Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Minor fading observed after 9.5 months.

Total Fade: Some markers may show fade at 11.5 months.

Orange, especially in its standard form, is one of the most durable colors. It can last over a year with minimal fading, making it an excellent choice for long-term projects.

White Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Lasts over 1 year with no significant fading.

White is a highly reflective color that resists UV degradation well. It can last over a year without noticeable fading, making it ideal for projects where long-term visibility is crucial. 

Blue Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Lasts over 1 year with no significant fading.

Blue also performs exceptionally well, maintaining its color for over a year. It’s a good choice for projects where a distinct color is needed for an extended period. 

Purple Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Lasts over 1 year with no significant fading.

Purple, like blue, is resistant to fading and can last over a year, making it another excellent option for long-term use. 

Green Survey Whiskers: 

Fade Onset: Lasts over 1 year with no significant fading.

Green also demonstrates strong resistance to fading, lasting over a year with minimal color loss. It’s a reliable choice for projects requiring durability.

Factors Influencing Fade Resistance

While the above test results provide a general idea of color longevity, several factors can influence the fade resistance of survey flags:

Geographic Location: The intensity and duration of UV exposure can vary greatly depending on the location. Areas closer to the equator, at higher altitudes, or with less cloud cover will generally see faster fading. 

Environmental Conditions: Temperature, humidity, and the presence of pollutants can all impact the rate at which colors fade. For example, higher temperatures can accelerate the degradation of pigments. 

Material Quality: The quality of the pigments and the presence of UV stabilizers play a crucial role in fade resistance. Higher-quality materials will generally offer better longevity.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Color for Your Project

When selecting survey flags or ground markers, it’s essential to consider the fade resistance of different colors. While some colors, like glow orange and pink, offer high visibility initially, they may not be suitable for long-term projects due to their rapid fading. On the other hand, colors like white, blue, purple, and green demonstrate excellent fade resistance, making them ideal for projects where long-term visibility is required. 

Ultimately, the choice of color should be based on the specific needs of your project, the expected duration of use, and the environmental conditions of the site. For projects requiring long-term durability, opting for colors with proven fade resistance will ensure that your markers remain visible and effective throughout the duration of the work. 

If you have any questions or need assistance selecting the right survey flags or ground markers for your project, don't hesitate to contact our Pro Desk. We can help you find the best solutions tailored to your needs, including special orders or bulk quotes for large projects.

Unsure whether to choose our ready-to-use lightweight or hard ground markers? Not sure which color whiskers best suit your project? Let us help! We’ll gladly send you samples. Message us above with your shipping address. Available for USA and Canada only.

Discovering Engineering in the Field: Why Marking Tools are Essential Tools

David Williams

Discovering Engineering in the Field

The field of engineering is incredibly diverse, encompassing a wide range of specialties and tasks. Yet, it’s often portrayed as a monolithic profession. In reality, engineers undertake vastly different kinds of work, united by their need for high-quality professional instruments. Among these essential tools are marking flags, which have become indispensable for various surveying tasks.

Marking flags serve as visual indicators, aiding engineers and surveyors in marking boundaries, identifying underground utilities, and mapping out construction sites. Among the most trusted brands, Trail Chasers ground markers stand out as a prime choice for professionals across different engineering disciplines. Trail Chasers ground markers are highly visible, rugged, reusable, impervious to dirt and will blend into most ground vegetation while still being easy to spot.

Land Surveyors

For land surveyors, precision is paramount. Trail Chasers marking flags offer high visibility and durability, ensuring accurate marking of property lines, easements, and topographic features.

Construction Surveyors

In the dynamic environment of construction sites, clear markings are crucial for safety and efficiency. Trail Chasers flags provide long-lasting visibility, even in challenging conditions, aiding in layout marking and equipment positioning.

Engineering Surveyors

Engineers rely on accurate measurements and data to design infrastructure projects. Trail Chasers flags help mark critical points during surveys, facilitating precise calculations and design processes.

Trail Chasers are available in eight APWA and international code colors including RED for power lines and lighting cables. YELLOW for gas, oil and steam lines. ORANGE for marking communication lines, cables or conduit. BLUE for potable water. PURPLE for slurry lines. GREEN for sewer and drain lines. WHITE for proposed excavation sites and PINK for temporary survey marking.

Geodetic Surveyors

Geodetic surveying demands precision on a global scale. Trail Chasers flags maintain visibility over long distances, supporting geodetic surveys for mapping and scientific research.

Boundary and Land Surveyors

Maintaining clear boundaries is essential in property management and legal disputes. Trail Chasers flags offer reliable marking solutions, aiding in boundary identification and resolution.

Within the engineering and surveying professions, the importance of specialized tools like marking flags. Trail Chasers ground markers exemplify the quality and reliability required by engineers across various disciplines, ensuring accurate and efficient project outcomes. Whether you’re mapping land, constructing buildings, or conducting scientific research, having the right tools can make all the difference in achieving success.

Smi-Carr Stake Chasers Color Fast Results

Use Trail Chasers Instead of a Fork!

David Williams

When it comes to maintaining a pristine lawn or garden, precise irrigation is key. Sprinkler heads play a crucial role in ensuring that every corner of your green space receives adequate water. However, locating these sprinkler heads amidst grass or foliage can be a daunting task, often leading to accidental damage during lawn maintenance activities like mowing or trimming. This is where Trail Chasers come into play as a practical solution.

Trail Chasers are designed specifically for marking the location of sprinkler heads, providing a clear and visible indicator without the need for makeshift markers like forks or flags. Here’s why they are a game-changer:


Unlike forks or small flags that can easily be missed or moved, Trail Chasers ground markers are designed to stand out. Their bright colors and sturdy construction make them highly visible, even from a distance.


Made from high-quality materials such as durable plastics or metals, Trail Chasers are built to withstand outdoor elements. They can endure exposure to sunlight, rain, and lawn equipment without fading or degrading, ensuring long-term visibility and functionality.


Trail Chasers ground markers are designed with precision in mind. Their height and design are optimized to align perfectly with the height of most sprinkler heads, providing an accurate marker for maintenance purposes.


Using proper markers like Trail Chasers enhances safety during lawn care activities. Lawnmower blades can cause significant damage to sprinkler heads, leading to costly repairs. By clearly marking their locations, you reduce the risk of accidental damage, making maintenance tasks safer and more efficient.


Beyond functionality, Trail Chasers ground markers contribute to the overall aesthetics of your lawn. Their uniform appearance and clean design complement the landscaping without being obtrusive.

Trail Chasers offer a practical, durable, and visually appealing solution for marking sprinkler head locations. Investing in these markers not only improves efficiency during maintenance but also helps protect your irrigation system, saving you time and money in the long run.

Trail Chasers Ground Markers being used to mark drainage emitters

Hiking Trail Markers - You Don't Want to Get Lost!!

David Williams

Our Trails Deserve Beautiful Signs

Whether you are hiking, hunting, bicycling, riding on horseback or participating in motorized recreation, nearly everyone uses trails for a similar goal – to spend time outdoors.

Trail markers are an important tool for these activities and are used to help stay on the right path, avoid hazards and to keep you from getting lost. Trail markers come in a variety of shapes and sizes – and even colors (they aren’t always orange!)

Types of Trail Markers

There are several ways of marking trails: paint, carvings, affixed markers, posts, flagging whiskers, flagging tape, cairns (rock piles), and crosses, with paint being the most widely used.

At Elusive Hunter, with our Trail Chasers® brand ground markers, we use flagging whiskers combined with either lightweight stakes for easy carry or our upgraded hard ground stakes for compacted soil or gravel. The trade-off is weight; the hard ground stakes weigh three times as much as the lightweight version.

Trail Marker Colors

Trail markers typically come in four different colors: orange, red, yellow, and blue.

Orange trail markers that are widely used in hunting and on state park/forest hiking trails. Orange is universal and easy to see. Orange flags, whiskers and paint in trail marking is a color that generally holds up well against UV fade. Color tests show orange will last a year or so before fading.

Red trail markers are used to mark mixed use trails meaning bikes, horses, and foot travel all are fair game on the trail. Red pigments in marking flags, whiskers and paint don’t hold up as well as orange. Color tests show fade beginning in a few months and show only a trace around nine months out.

Yellow trail markers represent local hiking trails for foot travel only. Like Red, the natural paint pigments will begin to fade rapidly, but do hold on to the color for roughly nine months

Blue trail markers are typically used to represent ski trails. Blue colored flags, whiskers and paint will generally hold up for a year or more.

Member of the Trails Community

We are a proud Trail Supporter of American Trails the national organization working on behalf of all trail interests. American Trials is passionate about trails and the positive impact they bring to all communities. Based in Boulder, Colorado American Trails is one of the world's most comprehensive online sources for planning, building, designing, funding, managing, enhancing, and supporting trails, greenways, and blueways.

Our Trail Dogs

Our trail dogs for this post are: Cody, named for Buffalo Bill Cody of the American Wild West days and is our over-energized two and a half year old Golden. He’d run the River Trail ten times over if we let him. Cleaver is our six year old mellowed-out Flat Coated Retriever. He’s a rescue from the Republic of Turkey. He’d just as soon chill out strolling the trail.

Hiking Trail Code Colors Keep Our Trail Dog on the Path

On Top of Pikes Peak

David Williams

Look what we found on the top of Pikes Peak

Recently we took the The Broadmoor Manitou and Pikes Peak Cog Railway to the top of Pikes Peak. This Cog Train climbs to the top of one of the most iconic mountains in the United States, Pikes Peak in Colorado. Very scenic and a must add adventure the next time you’re in Colorado Springs.

As we disembarked the train at the top we immediately started seeing survey markers like Trail Chasers - Pink Hard Ground Markers. Land and construction surveyors use many different types of survey markers to mark survey control stations, set out points or property boundaries.

Trail Chasers - Hard Ground Markers are sturdy enough to drive into compacted soil and durable enough to withstand high winds, intense sunlight and wide temperature swings that are common on top of high altitude landscapes.

How’s the Color Holding Up?

Looking at these markers you can tell some color fade has occurred. Over time, color pigments in wire marking flags and ground whiskers will slowly fade due to UV exposure. While fading is going to occur, the Smi-Carr Stake Chaser brand marking Whiskers, like those used in Trail Chasers brand ground markers, have UV stabilizers added to protect against degradation from UV light.

Even with stabilizers added, different colors absorb UV rays differently resulting in variations in the degradation time. Check out our Blog from February 29th for more detailed information on UV Color Testing.

Front Range of the Rocky Mountains

Pikes Peak is the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains in North America. The ultra-prominent 14,115-foot fourteener is located in Pike National Forest, 12 miles west of downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Trail Chasers Hard Ground Markers on Top of Pikes Peak

Stake Chasers - World's Best Ground Marking Systems

David Williams

Since 1965, when the late Willard D. Carroll, Sr., invented a product that would streamline the road construction and surveying industries forever: the Stake Chaser® brand whisker flag has been a prime choice for both commercial and home use. Designed to provide maximum visibility and trusted for their durability and flexibility; Stake Chasers are the world’s best ground marking systems.

Smi-Carr’s Stake Chasers

Smi-Carr’s Stake Chasers brand marking whiskers are virtually indestructible, these APWA color-coded whiskers spring back up when run over by lawn mowers, graders and heavy equipment. Unlike flagging tape and wire flags, Stake Chasers are highly visible, rugged, reusable, impervious to dirt and will blend into most ground vegetation while still being easy to spot. These whiskers are perfect for construction projects, subdivision developments, landscaping designs, buried utility lines, survey, hunting and hiking trails; football and soccer fields.

Elusive Hunter’s Trail Chasers

Elusive Hunter’s Trail Chasers are prepacked Stake Chasers 6-inch whiskers with either 7-inch lightweight non-rust aluminum stakes for use in most topsoil conditions or heavier 6-inch galvanized nails for compacted soil or gravel. Standard packages of 10 or 25 count includes everything you need to start using immediately; no extra trips to buy nails or stakes. Our dedicated Pro Desk can help plan your entire job with any mix count of whisker colors and stakes to be sent to one or more job sites.

One Stop— Contact our Pro Desk to select products, get a quote and set up delivery for the entire project. 

Trail Chasers - Easy to Deploy, Easy to Move and Easy to Retrieve!

Great Stocking Stuffers for Outdoor Enthusiasts

David Williams

Perfect for Stocking Stuffers or Hang on the Tree

Outdoor enthusiasts, hunters and hikers included, can always use trail markers when camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, or trekking around the woods to mark that special location. Trail Chasers® ground markers are just the trick! Lightweight, durable, easy to deploy, easy to move and easy to retrieve. The 10-count package of Orange Trail Chasers is 6”x11”x1” and will fit in most stockings or hang from the Christmas tree.

Marketing flags, such as Trail Chasers® brand are available in eight code colors including Orange, Blue, White, Green, Pink, Yellow, Red, and Purple. All colors are available in packages of 25-count. Only Orange, Blue White and Green are in 10-count packages for stocking stuffers.

FREE SHIPPING inside the United States. Standard shipping on orders received Monday - Friday by 2:00PM EST (US & Canada) will ship same day. After 2PM, weekends and holidays items will ship the next business day. Tracking Numbers are confirmed and sent to you with each Purchase Order.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

5 Common Methods for Marking Your Hunting Trail

David Williams

You have a place to hunt, you have scouted it and found the perfect spot for a stand, now how do you find that spot again, day or night, without spooking you quarry? Finding and marking a good route to your stand is as important as finding a good spot for your stand.

There are five common methods for marking your trail; permanent markers, flagging tape, marking flags, marking tacks and GPS.

Common Trail Marking Methods

Permanent Markers

If you own the land or get permission from the landowner you can mostly mark at will. Permanent markers are usually paint markers on trees, posts, or whatever. Special marking paint that has reflective properties is available, but basic spray paint works well.

  • Pros: You are probably sitting on a great piece of land with few others able to hunt on it.

  • Cons: We don’t all have that land access.

Flagging Tape

We have all seen flagging tape as it hangs high from tree limbs. Blaze orange marking tape is common and works great. It will last a few years and can be easily removed.

  • Pros: You can readily follow the trail, it can easily be hung and later removed, Orange tape is good for all sorts of useful things, not just trail marking. Flagging tape is also good for temporary marking while tracking a downed animal.

  • Cons: Everyone else will see it, even the unethical hunters poaching off your spot. Also, flagging tape last forever and is hanging off trees across the land and over time it gets ugly. It's not reflective.

Marking Tacks

Marking tacks are basically larger thumb tacks that have a reflective finish. They come in many colors, white, orange, and brown being the most popular. When you shine a light on them at night, they light up like cats eyes.

  • Pros: They are usually reflective, sold in multiple colors and easy to install.

  • Cons: They are difficult to see in the daylight, not as easy to remove and yet again drive by hunters can pick up your trail.

Marking Flags

Marking Flags also called stake chasers and ground whiskers are highly durable 6 inch plastic whiskers when combined with either a lightweight non-rust stake or hard ground galvanized stake can be driven into the ground to mark a position.

  • Pros: Okay, these are our favorite and we are biased, but marking flags are easy to carry, can be easily deployed, easily repositioned, and eventually easily removed. Like flagging tape, marking flags can be used at home, in the garden and on the worksite. Other hunters are not going to be easily able to find them.

  • Cons: They are not reflective and if you don’t know where to start the trail, they can be hard to find. Also, heavy snow areas will cover up the whiskers after a 6” fall.

GPS Tracking

GPS tracking is much more time and cost intensive and often considered the least effective option. Most GPS units allow you record the path you have taken. Follow your trail with your GPS recording your path and then you can refollow your trail. Unfortunately, most GPS units can be off by 15 to 30 feet. Which can be the difference between your trail and a swap bottom.

We Vote for Marking Flags, the Whisker Type

Marking flags also know as Stake Chasers or Ground Whiskers perfect for marking hiking trails, hunting locations, survey points, ground hazards, garden layouts, landscape designs, athletic fields, running courses, social events and more. Unlike flagging tape and wire flags. Marking flags are highly visible, rugged, reusable, impervious to dirt and will blend into most ground vegetation while still being easy to spot.

Marketing flags, such as Trail Chasers® brand are available in eight code colors including orange, blue, white, green, pink, yellow, red, and purple.

Common Methods for Marking Your Hunting Trail

Happy Trails!

Use Ground Markers to Avoid Common Vegetable Garden Planning Mistakes

David Williams

We can all learn from our and other’s mistakes and gain valuable experience in the process, but it’s much easier to learn from someone else’s experience! There are three very common mistakes that most gardeners will make at some point when planning a vegetable garden. Read on to learn what they are and how to avoid them.

1. Overcrowding

Even experienced gardeners will tell you that every now and again they succumb to the temptation to try to grow more in the space they have. When first planted it will seem as if they are growing perfectly well, so you may not notice the issue straight away – it’s only when the plants are approaching full size that the problems start, as each plant’s root system begins to compete with its neighbors for water and nutrients from the soil and the plants fail to mature properly, resulting in a disappointing harvest.

Use colored markers to designate the areas certain plants need to grow. For example, a White marker would indicate plants in this area need 18” spacing to grow to full size. Place the marker center point about where you would expect to place seeds or mark the whole area. By using a colored marker, you are reminding yourself this part of the garden needs more or less space between plants. 

2. Ignoring Nature

A little forward planning can ensure that Mother Nature is on your side. For example, it’s a good idea to mix in several different companion planting flowers to attract beneficial insects such as hoverflies so that, when the pests descend, these natural predators will keep them at bay. If pests strike early in your area, remember to include some early flowering companions, or leave a few onions, garlic bulbs or carrots in the ground over winter to flower early and provide an excellent first source of nectar to attract nature’s defenders.

Use colored, highly visible, markers such as Pink to designate exactly where you might place companion plants to help keep bugs away.

3. Planting Everything at the Same Time

Planting out all your tender crops at once can be disastrous if there’s a sudden late frost; similarly, transplanting pea seedlings only to have birds or slugs eat them is all too common. The best method is to sow seeds in small batches, every two or three weeks. As well as ensuring you have backup options if disaster strikes.

Blue marked beds could indicate beds you want to plant early spring that will grow to harvest early summer.

Green marked beds could indicate beds you want to plant late spring and to harvest early to mid-summer.

Orange marked beds could indicate beds you want to plant late spring that will grow to harvest all the way out to late fall.

Plan Ahead, Use the Best Products and Avoid Mistakes

There’s much more to successful gardening than just these three tips, but by avoiding these common mistakes you’ll save yourself some hard work and heartache and get your garden off to a great start! Enjoy!

Gardeners PRO TIP

The original Trail Chasers are highly durable 6-inch plastic whiskers when combined with either a lightweight non-rust stake or hard ground galvanized stake can be driven into the ground to mark a position. Trail Chasers brand ground markers are sold in packages of 10, 20 or 25 in eight different colors of whiskers.

Young woman gardener picking fresh cabbage in sunny garden

Utilities Field Services Controlling Survey Costs

David Williams

Many utility companies both private and public have robust project pipelines going into 2022. Although business is strong, the current labor shortage has led to increased competition, increased labor costs, and capacity constraints. None of these are new issues, but the pandemic has certainly exacerbated the challenges; none of which is cheap.

The average cost to hire a land surveyor is $510, but a range of cost factors come into play

Exactly locating, aligning, and marking in the field projects using maps, GPS or other correlator equipment is critical to controlling costs and protecting margins. Once these points are determined, and following safe dig practices, these survey points need to be marked in ways not subject to changing. Lost or moved survey markers will result in added project costs and delays.

Choosing the Most Cost Effective Survey Marker

In the utilities industry, field worker techs have a variety of options including wire marking flags, wooden stakes, stake whiskers and more. Key to choosing the right ground marker are factors including how long do they need to be in the ground and visible, what kind of weather conditions will be in the area, what kind of equipment will be in the area, how many need to be placed and how many may need to placed and later repositioned as changes occur in the project.

Stake Whiskers are For the Long Run

For heavier commercial or industrial use in compacted soil or gravel for longer deployment periods, stake whiskers, also known as stake chasers, stake flags, nail whiskers or marking whiskers are considered the better option by many field techs. These can be purchased with either 7 inch lightweight or 6 inch galvanized stakes.

Trail Chasers® brand stake whiskers are available in UV resistant select APWA and international code colors including long lasting orange, yellow, blue, white, green, pink, red, and purple in packages of 10 or 25 with lightweight stakes or package of 20 with hard ground stakes.

Plan Ahead and Save on Project Costs

A well-planned, well supplied project with clear goals/vision with correct tool selection would help create a roadmap for implementation will result in saved project costs and shorter delays.

Surveyors PRO TIP

Lightweight stakes are great for carry, but sometimes the ground is harder than anticipated. Use a ¼” x 12 in. drill bit (carbide preferred) on a cordless drill to predrill a ground hole. This will make placement much easier; especially for projects requiring many to be laid out.

In the field Utility Services using Trail Chasers

The Surveying and Mapping Industry in 2022

David Williams

Surveying & Mapping Services in the US

The domestic Surveying and Mapping Services industry has grown over the last five years primarily due to strong demand in the downstream residential and nonresidential construction markets that was brought on by low interest rates. However, with inflation reaching levels not seen in years and the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic the industry has seen trends dampened which has caused activity in the survey and mapping industry to stagger. No longer can it be assumed that favorable market conditions will continue to lead to strong demand for services.

The industry's primary markets are building and construction companies; government departments and agencies; land development companies; professional service operators; and various utility and mining operations. Operators in this industry perform surveying and mapping services of the surface of the earth, including the sea floor. These services may include surveying and mapping areas above or below the surface of the earth, such as the creation of view easements or segregating rights in parcels of land by creating underground utility easements, which give certain rights to real property without possessing it.

Key factors and sensitivities for the industry for the next five years to facilitate strong demand for surveying and mapping services are the expected continued growth for the construction sector, primarily in infrastructure projects stimulated by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts of 2021. As a result, industry revenue is forecast to rise during the period. As the housing and construction market continues to expand, downstream industries will continue to demand industry services over the five years to 2024.

Near Term Significant Industry Projects and Services Include

  • Highway and rail programs

  • Solar and other alternative projects

  • Highway safety improvement programs

  • Cadastral, property line and boundary surveying

  • Continued strength in construction surveying

  • Topographical and planimetric surveying and mapping

  • Geospatial processing services

  • Subdivision layout and design services

Surveying and mapping services extensively use Trail Chasers brand of ground markers for their durability and suitability to harsh conditions.

We Are Holding the Line on Price Increases

David Williams

First quarter 2022 Pricing Guide

2021 was a wild ride on the supply chain roller coaster and once again we have received notice that prices on all our raw materials will be increasing in 1Q22. These increases will affect production costs on all Trail Chasers, Stake Chasers, stake flags, survey markers, flagging tape and trail markers for hunting. However, we are holding the line on our retail pricing going into 2022 for as long as possible.

Affecting the lightweight stakes used in Trail Chasers brand products, aluminum prices in 2021 continuously grew and in October 2021 reached $2934 per tonne, gaining 62% compared to October 2020. Due to increasing demand against expected supply limitations, the average yearly price of aluminum in 2022 is projected to rise by another 6% year-over-year.

The pandemic has also wreaked havoc on the historically stable resin market which is used in the manufacture of the plastics used for marking whiskers. Disruptions in the global supply chain by labor shortages, increased demand for plastic, increasing demand for plastic packaging materials, plastic production shutdowns, and domestic inflation has led to a severe spike in the price of plastic goods.

While there is no way to forecast prices on these raw goods, some of our suppliers are telling us that there is hope that costs soon will stabilize. Unfortunately, aluminum prices will probably continue to rally in 2022 but resin experts are anticipating a year-long recovery period for the plastics industry, meaning normalcy would resume in 2022, assuming there are no further interruptions. Whether that timeline is still feasible remains to be seen. We can only hope!

We appreciate each one of our customers, distributors and wholesalers and will always strive to produce the best product on the market at the lowest cost possible.

Bye Bye 2021 - Welcome 2022 Best Wishes!

Bar aluminum may be going up, but we are holding our retail prices at 2021 levels for now

Wire Flags or Stake Whiskers - Which to Use

David Williams

Wire Flags or Stake Whiskers – You Decide

Which do you get for your project; steel wire marking flags or stake whiskers? It all comes down to durability and strength.

Wire flags are good for temporary marking, but their structure leaves them vulnerable to high winds, harsh weather, and heavy equipment. For projects that require ground markers to remain in place for extended periods of time, extreme conditions or need to be deployed in compacted soil or gravel; stake whiskers are usually the better option.

Stake whiskers are perfect for marking hiking trails, hunting locations, survey points, ground hazards, garden layouts, landscape designs, athletic fields, running courses, social events and more.

Stake whiskers are available in eight APWA and international code colors including RED for power lines and lighting cables. YELLOW for gas, oil and steam lines. ORANGE for marking communication lines, cables or conduit. BLUE for potable water. PURPLE for slurry lines. GREEN for sewer and drain lines. WHITE for proposed excavation sites and PINK for temporary survey marking.

Trail Chasers brand ground markers are stake whiskers and are available in packages of 10, 20 or 25 units. Each unit consists of a highly durable 6-inch plastic whisker when combined with either a lightweight non-rust stake or hard ground galvanized stake can be driven into the ground to mark a position. Package includes everything you need to start using immediately; no extra trips to buy nails or stakes. Over the years, Trail Chasers brand of ground markers have become the prime choice for home and industrial use.

PRO TIP – Trail Chasers lightweight stakes are great for carry, but sometimes the ground is harder than anticipated. Use a ¼” x 12 in. drill bit (carbide preferred) on a cordless drill to predrill a ground hole. This will make placement much easier!

Garden Tray full of Trail Chasers Marking Flags