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7742 Spalding Dr. #424
Norcross, GA 30092-4207


Quality Control

Scale used in Quality Control at Trail Chasers

Quality Control (QC)

Elusive Hunter’s Quality Control (QC) process seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved to the highest standards. The Company has created an environment in which both management and employees strive for perfection. A significant aspect of quality control is our well-defined controls and measurement systems. These controls help standardize both production and reactions to quality issues.

Truest Colors for all Trail Chasers Product Lisiting Pictures

Truest Colors

All Trail Chasers product listing pictures were taken at ARMANKO PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO one of the most advanced and well-equipped commercial photography studios in the Atlanta area. Armanko is focused on business branding including product photography, commercial photography, motion graphics and commercial-advertising videography. Their goal is to provide high quality imagery to tell your product's story and promote your business.

Elusive Hunter Shipping Performance Results

Tracking Total Delivery Time and adhering to benchmarks

Total Delivery Time = Handling Time + Transit Time (+ any holidays and weekends)

Handling Time refers to the number of days taken by a seller to procure, pack, and ship a product after the customer order for the product is confirmed. For Trail Chasers, our stated handling time is one to two business days however most are packaged and sent to shipping on the same day received.

Transit Time (also known as Shipping Time): The time elapsed between when you hand the shipment over to your carrier until its delivery to the customer’s address. Trail Chasers uses USPS Priority Mail and First Class and UPS for shipping and all are currently averaging 1-5 days.