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Use Trail Chasers Instead of a Fork!

Our Blog

Use Trail Chasers Instead of a Fork!

David Williams

When it comes to maintaining a pristine lawn or garden, precise irrigation is key. Sprinkler heads play a crucial role in ensuring that every corner of your green space receives adequate water. However, locating these sprinkler heads amidst grass or foliage can be a daunting task, often leading to accidental damage during lawn maintenance activities like mowing or trimming. This is where Trail Chasers come into play as a practical solution.

Trail Chasers are designed specifically for marking the location of sprinkler heads, providing a clear and visible indicator without the need for makeshift markers like forks or flags. Here’s why they are a game-changer:


Unlike forks or small flags that can easily be missed or moved, Trail Chasers ground markers are designed to stand out. Their bright colors and sturdy construction make them highly visible, even from a distance.


Made from high-quality materials such as durable plastics or metals, Trail Chasers are built to withstand outdoor elements. They can endure exposure to sunlight, rain, and lawn equipment without fading or degrading, ensuring long-term visibility and functionality.


Trail Chasers ground markers are designed with precision in mind. Their height and design are optimized to align perfectly with the height of most sprinkler heads, providing an accurate marker for maintenance purposes.


Using proper markers like Trail Chasers enhances safety during lawn care activities. Lawnmower blades can cause significant damage to sprinkler heads, leading to costly repairs. By clearly marking their locations, you reduce the risk of accidental damage, making maintenance tasks safer and more efficient.


Beyond functionality, Trail Chasers ground markers contribute to the overall aesthetics of your lawn. Their uniform appearance and clean design complement the landscaping without being obtrusive.

Trail Chasers offer a practical, durable, and visually appealing solution for marking sprinkler head locations. Investing in these markers not only improves efficiency during maintenance but also helps protect your irrigation system, saving you time and money in the long run.

Trail Chasers Ground Markers being used to mark drainage emitters