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7742 Spalding Dr. #424
Norcross, GA 30092-4207


Pro Shop

Ridgid Tools 1/4 Inch x 12 Inch Black Oxide Drill Bit

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Use a Cordless Drill with Quarter Inch Drill Bit to Predrill Holes.jpg
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Use a Cordless Drill with Quarter Inch Drill Bit to Predrill Holes.jpg

Ridgid Tools 1/4 Inch x 12 Inch Black Oxide Drill Bit


Ridgid Tools Drill Bits for Fast Deployment of Survey Markers

Our Trail Chasers Ground Markers with lightweight stakes are great for carry, our Hard Ground Markers can handle compacted soil and gravel, but sometimes the ground is harder than anticipated or you have many to deploy. Use a ¼” x 12” drill bit on a cordless drill to predrill ground holes as you go. These drill bits are basic and inexpensive made with a black oxide coating are suitable for work on steel, copper, aluminum, brass, oak, maple, MDF, pine, PVC, polycarbonate, acrylic, ABS, nylon, and composite materials. This will make placement much easier!

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Ridgid Tools is a well known line of both power and non-power operated hand tools.

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